Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Help Us Help You: Act F.A.S.T

When stroke strikes act F.A.S.T

Healthier Together – a Community Initiative

The Healthier Together programme relies upon patients and healthcare professionals working together to improve how local healthcare is delivered. The […]

Primary Care Update

Primary care is under tremendous pressure at the moment, and we are seeing increasing numbers of children. The Healthier Together […]

Shape Up – Free Weight Management Courses For Patients

‘Shape Up’ is a 12 week course of nutritional advice and fun physical activity for men and women aged 18-65, […]

Patient Notice: Email

Please do not request an appointment or medical advice via email. We are unable to respond to these queries via […]

Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) workshop – Rivers Hospital

The workshop helps ladies to face cancer with confidence. The workshop will deliver key advice on the following topics: These […]